Richard's age in 7 years will be twice what it was 19 years ago. How old is Richard now?

Richard now --- x

Rich in 7 yrs -- x+7
Rich 19 yers ago -- x-19

x+7 = 2(x-19)

solve for x


To solve this problem, let's first define a variable for Richard's current age. Let's call it "x". We will use this variable to represent Richard's current age.

According to the problem, Richard's age in 7 years will be twice what it was 19 years ago. We can express this relationship as:

x + 7 = 2 * (x - 19)

Let's simplify and solve this equation to find the value of x:

x + 7 = 2x - 38
7 + 38 = 2x - x
45 = x

Therefore, Richard is currently 45 years old.