what does "nosotros jugamos" mean

we play

thank you soooooooo much

Further explanation:

Nosotros jugamos could be EITHER the present indicative tense (with 3 English translations possible) or the Preterit (past tense, with 2 possible English translations)
Present = we play, we DO play, we

Preterit = we played, we DID play

Just in case you ever wonder! :)


The phrase "nosotros jugamos" is a sentence in Spanish, and it translates to "we play" in English. The verb "jugamos" comes from the verb "jugar," which means "to play." In this context, "nosotros" means "we."

To understand the meaning of a sentence in a foreign language, you can use various language learning resources such as textbooks, online dictionaries, language learning apps, or consult with native speakers. Here's how you can break down and understand the sentence:

1. Identify the subject: In this case, "nosotros" is the subject, and it means "we" in English.
2. Identify the verb: The verb in this sentence is "jugamos," which comes from the verb "jugar" meaning "to play."
3. Determine the tense: In this case, the verb is conjugated in the present tense, indicating an action happening right now or a habitual action.
4. Put it together: By combining the subject and the verb, "nosotros jugamos" translates to "we play" or "we are playing."

Remember, understanding a language requires practice and exposure, so don't hesitate to immerse yourself in the language through conversations, reading, and listening to native speakers.