Evaluate |-37-22|-|-11|=-4

Is -4 your answer ?

If so, then it is not correct.

= 59 - 11
= 48

Thanks I had it backwardsI subtracted

To evaluate the expression |-37-22|-|-11|=-4, let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Evaluate the absolute values first.
|-37-22| = |-59| and |-11| = 11

Step 2: Simplify the absolute values.
|-59| is equal to 59, and 11 remains the same.

Step 3: Evaluate the expression inside the outer absolute value.
59 - 11 = 48

Step 4: Finally, rewrite the expression with the simplified values.

Therefore, the expression |-37-22|-|-11| is equal to 48, not -4.