one of the lifelong memories many of us share are the moment we obtain a drivers license.

Yep. You're right.

One of the lifelong memories many of us share is the moment we obtain a driver's license.

I don't know if this is what you want, but you need to start a sentence with a capital, make the verb match the number of the subject ("One") and indicate a possessive ("driver's").

Obtaining a driver's license is indeed a memorable experience for many people. It signifies a new level of independence and freedom. If you're looking for information on how to obtain a driver's license, here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Check the requirements: Start by checking the specific requirements and eligibility criteria set by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in your country, state, or province. These requirements usually include age restrictions, residency, identification documents, and sometimes the completion of a driver's education course.

2. Study the driver's manual: Obtain a copy of the official driver's manual provided by the DMV. This manual contains all the information you need to know about traffic laws, road signs, and safe driving practices. Make sure to thoroughly study and understand the content.

3. Prepare for the written test: Most jurisdictions require you to take a written test to assess your knowledge of driving rules, road signs, and safety regulations. Utilize practice tests available online or provided by the DMV to familiarize yourself with the type of questions that may be asked.

4. Schedule an appointment: Contact your local DMV and schedule an appointment for your written test. Depending on your jurisdiction, you may also need to schedule an appointment for a vision screening and/or a driving skills test.

5. Take the written test: On the scheduled day, arrive at the DMV with the necessary identification documents, proof of residency, and any other required paperwork. Take the written test and demonstrate your knowledge of the road rules and safety regulations.

6. Complete vision screening and/or driving skills test: If you pass the written test, you may then proceed to a vision screening to ensure you meet the minimum vision requirements. In some jurisdictions, you may also be required to take a driving skills test to assess your ability to operate a vehicle safely.

7. Obtain your driver's license: If you pass all the necessary tests, you will be issued a driver's license. Make sure to carefully review and understand any restrictions or conditions that may apply to your license, such as limitations on nighttime driving or the number of passengers.

Remember, the process of obtaining a driver's license varies depending on your location, so it is crucial to consult the specific requirements outlined by your local DMV or equivalent authority.