hi im in 5th grade i need help with naming angels like e.g right angel,acute,obtuse i lost my thing to measure angels plz help! lol i need it done today tomorrow i need to give it back!!

I didn't know that angels stood still to be measured. <g>

However, this site demonstrates different kinds of angles.


Hi there! I can help you with naming angles. To get started, it's important to know that angles are usually named based on the shape or the position of their sides. Here are a few common names for angles:

1. Right Angle: A right angle is exactly 90 degrees. It forms the shape of an uppercase "L" and can be found in the corners of squares and rectangles.

2. Acute Angle: An acute angle is less than 90 degrees. It is a small angle that appears sharper than a right angle.

3. Obtuse Angle: An obtuse angle is greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees. It is a larger angle that appears more open than a right angle.

To measure angles without a protractor or a measuring tool, you can use the following methods:

1. Estimating: Compare the angle you want to measure with other known angles. For example, if it looks about the same as a right angle, you could estimate it to be 90 degrees.

2. Paper Folding: Fold a piece of paper, making sure one of the folded edges forms a straight line. Then, compare the angle against the folded edge to estimate its size. For instance, if it appears wider than the folded edge, it is likely to be obtuse.

Remember, these methods only provide approximate measurements. It's always best to use a protractor or a measuring tool for accurate results. If you're unable to find your measuring tool, you can try borrowing one from a classmate or ask your teacher for a spare one.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.