Find the prime factorization of the number 612, and write it in exponent form.

Start with 612.

Does it divide by 2? Yes. So write it as


Does it divide by two again? Yes. So write it as


No more 2s. Try 3.

Keep going until you can find no more factors.

To find the prime factorization of a number, we need to find the prime numbers that divide the number evenly.

We start by dividing the number by the smallest prime number, which is 2. If the number is divisible by 2, we continue dividing it by 2 until we can no longer divide it evenly.

In this case, 612 is divisible by 2, so we divide it by 2:

612 ÷ 2 = 306

Now, we divide 306 by 2 again:

306 ÷ 2 = 153

Next, we check if 153 is divisible by 2. It's not, so we move on to the next prime number, which is 3.

153 is divisible by 3, so we divide it by 3:

153 ÷ 3 = 51

Now, we check if 51 is divisible by 3. It is, so we divide it by 3 again:

51 ÷ 3 = 17

Finally, we are left with 17, which is a prime number.

So, the prime factorization of 612 can be written as:

2^2 × 3 × 17

This means that 612 can be expressed as the product of these prime numbers raised to their respective powers: 2 squared, 3 to the power of 1, and 17 to the power of 1.