solve using the multiplication principle -x/8=3

-x / 8 = 3

Multiply across by 8:
-x = 3 * 8
Multiply across by -1:
x = 3 * 8

multiplication principle -t/4 =8

To solve the equation using the multiplication principle, you need to isolate the variable on one side of the equation.

Given the equation -x/8 = 3, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 8 to eliminate the fraction and isolate the variable.

(-x/8) * 8 = 3 * 8

On the left side, the 8 in the numerator and the 8 in the denominator cancel out, leaving us with:

-x = 24

To isolate the variable x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by -1. This will result in a sign change on both sides, but the equation will remain equivalent.

(-1) * (-x) = (-1) * 24

On the left side, the negative sign and the negative x cancel each other out, leaving us with:

x = -24

Therefore, the solution of the equation -x/8 = 3, using the multiplication principle, is x = -24.