1/2x - 1/4y= 7/2

3/4x + 1/3y= 19/2

To change into y=, do i multiply the top one by by 1/4 and the bottom one by -1/3?

Answered above

To get the equations in y= form, you need to isolate the y term on one side of the equation. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start with the given system of equations:
1/2x - 1/4y = 7/2
3/4x + 1/3y = 19/2

2. Let's focus on the first equation. Multiply every term by 4 to remove the fraction:
4 * (1/2x) - 4 * (1/4y) = 4 * (7/2)
2x - y = 14

3. Now, let's look at the second equation. Multiply every term by 3 to remove the fraction:
3 * (3/4x) + 3 * (1/3y) = 3 * (19/2)
9/4x + y = 57/2

4. Rearrange the equations so that the y term is isolated on one side:
First equation: -y = 14 - 2x (multiply both sides by -1)
Second equation: y = 57/2 - 9/4x (subtract 9/4x from both sides)

So, when you isolate the y term on one side of the equation, the equations become:

First equation: y = -14 + 2x
Second equation: y = 57/2 - 9/4x

So, multiplying the first equation by 1/4 and the second equation by -1/3 is not necessary to change the equations into y= form.