how did the lives of slaves differ from those of the free in the united states

The lives of slaves differ from those free in the united states greatly. Slaves had no freedom or speech, or freedom in their actions like those from the states. Also slaves were forced to work on farms, plantation etc, while normal Americans chose what jobs they did acquire. Slaves were also often treated like animals rather than human beings, and were whipped into submission.

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To understand how the lives of slaves differed from those of the free in the United States, we can look at various aspects such as legal status, rights, work and living conditions, family, education, and access to resources.

1. Legal Status: Slaves were considered property and considered legally as chattel, lacking basic rights and protections. In contrast, free people enjoyed legal rights and protections as citizens.

2. Rights: Slaves had limited or no legal rights. They were subject to their owner's control, had no right to marry, could not own property, and were often denied basic human rights. Free people, on the other hand, had rights such as the right to vote, own property, choose their occupation, and access the legal system.

3. Work and Living Conditions: Slaves usually worked under harsh and inhumane conditions on plantations, farms, or in households, performing various tasks including fieldwork, domestic chores, and skilled labor. They had no control over their work and lived in cramped quarters with limited food, clothing, and medical care. Free people had more control over their work and could negotiate wages, choose their occupation, and enjoy better living conditions.

4. Family: Slaves often had their families forcibly separated through sales, auctions or being moved to different locations. They had little control over their family life, as children born to enslaved mothers were also considered slaves. Free people had more control over their family life and the ability to build and maintain stable family units.

5. Education: Slaves were generally denied access to education, as it was illegal to educate them in most states. Free people had greater opportunities for education, although it still varied depending on factors such as financial means and societal attitudes towards education for marginalized groups.

6. Access to Resources: Slaves had limited access to resources and were often denied opportunities for economic advancement. Free people had more opportunities to accumulate wealth, access resources and economic opportunities, although racial discrimination and systemic barriers still existed.

Understanding the differences between the lives of slaves and free people allows us to recognize the profound impact slavery had on individuals and society as a whole. It is important to note that this explanation provides a general overview, and experiences varied depending on time period, geographical location, and individual circumstances.