Estimate by rounding each term to the greatest place: 78.17-37.52

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78.17 would round up to 80.00 and 37.52 would round up to 40.00. 80.00-40.00=40.00.

what is nearest number to 37.51

To estimate the difference between 78.17 and 37.52 by rounding each term to the greatest place, follow these steps:

1. Identify the place value that you want to round each term to. In this case, we want to round each term to the greatest place.
2. Look at the place value of the greatest place for each term. The greatest place for 78.17 is the tenths place, while the greatest place for 37.52 is also the tenths place.
3. Round each term to the tenths place.
- For 78.17, the digit in the tenths place is 1, which is less than 5, so it remains as 78.1.
- For 37.52, the digit in the tenths place is 5, which is equal to 5, so it is rounded up to the next whole number. Therefore, it becomes 37.6.
4. Subtract the rounded numbers:
- 78.1 - 37.6 = 40.5

Therefore, by rounding each term to the greatest place, the estimated difference between 78.17 and 37.52 is 40.5.