when making a cone out of a given sector form a circle do we need to add circumfernce of the base circle to find its surface area?

I want to.learn math

To find the total area you would add the surface area of the base, not its circumference.

Circumference is a linear measurement, not area.

Whether or not the base area is included depends on the question. You will have to judge from the wording.

To find the surface area of a cone formed from a given sector of a circle, you only need to consider the curved surface area. You do not need to add the circumference of the base circle.

Here's how you can calculate the surface area of the cone:

1. First, determine the radius of the base of the cone. This can be done by dividing the arc length of the given sector by the measure of the angle of the sector.

2. Once you have the radius, now find the slant height of the cone. You can use the Pythagorean theorem: slant height squared equals radius squared plus height squared. If the height is not given, you may need additional information to solve for it.

3. Calculate the curved surface area (CSA) of the cone using the formula CSA = π * radius * slant height.

Remember, the surface area of the cone only includes the curved region, not the base. The base can be considered separately, and its area can be calculated using the formula for the area of a circle: π * radius^2. However, if you only need the total surface area of the cone, you can stop after calculating the curved surface area.