2. Moscow receives its moisture from winds blowing over the

a. Barents Sea
b. Mediterranean Sea
c. Pacific Ocean
d. Atlantic Ocean

5. Northern Eurasia has four
a. basic ethnic groups
b. regions of natural vegetation
c. countries within the Artic Circle
d. coastlines that touch oceans

6. Which of the following is NOT a challenge that Russia must overcome in developing its resources?
a. extracting resources from remote and rugged locations
b. preserving the fragile natural enviroment
c. eliminating trade barriers between Soviet republics
d. building means to transport resources to industrial centers
I know this is either B or C but not sure which one..B?

7. Why was it difficult to obtain such goods as clothing and food in the Soviet Union under Stalin?
a. the state wanted to keep the standard of living low
b. the resources to make such goods were not available
c. because of higher salaries, most Soviets preferred to work in industry
d. Stalin's policies made production of consumer goods a low priority

Numbers 2 and 5 are correct.

I vote for C for 6.

7. is wrong. Please check your text again.

OK, I'll put C for six..but for seven, this is what my book says:

"By 1940, the Soviet Union was the second largest producer of iron and steel in Europe. The costs of industrialization were high, however. Heavy industry grew at the expense of producing consumer goods. Everday items such as clothing, soap, vegetables, and shoes were scarce. People had to wait in long lines to buy or trade anything."


Yep. The paragraph you quoted from your text contains the answer.



Right! D it is!

Stalins policies emphasized developement of heavy industry at the expense of producing consumer goods!

Answer for 7 is D.

The soil of much of the steppe region of Northern Eurasia is

very fertile and productive.
lacking in minerals and unproductive.
too cold to produce much food.
heavily fertilized with chemicals to make it marginally productive.