Perform the indicated operation by hand. Show or explain your steps. 17.525 ÷ 25?

Am I supposed to move the decimal over one? If I do then the answer is 7.01, if I don't then the answer is 0.701. I am confused.

In a division problem, the first thing you do is put the decimal in the quotient directly above the decimal in the dividend.

Your answer of 0.701 is correct.

Since the divisor is a whole number, you don't need to change the decimal place.

To divide decimals, you can follow these steps:

1. Write the divisor (25) and the dividend (17.525) in long division format, with the divisor on the outside and the dividend inside the division bracket.
25 | 17.525

2. Start by dividing the leftmost digit of the dividend (1) by the divisor (25). Since 1 is smaller than 25, we bring down the next digit from the dividend (7) and include it in the division.
25 | 17.525
Divide 17 by 25, which gives you a decimal answer. Note that this calculation involves decimal places and can be done using long division or a calculator.

3. The resulting quotient is 0.7, which means that 17 ÷ 25 = 0.7.

So the correct answer for 17.525 ÷ 25 is approximately 0.7 (rounded to one decimal place). You were correct in considering the decimal point. The answer is not 7.01 or 0.701.