: Describe what the graph of interval [-4,10] looks like.

You would plot a dot at -4 on the x line(which is the horizontal line) on the left side of the graph, and you would plot a dot at 10 on the y line-which is the vertical line and the positive numbers are above the horizontal x-line.

If I understand correctly that you need the graph of the interval [-4,10], then it should be plotted on the number line, basically the x-axis.

Since [-4,10] is the same as
-4 ≤ x ≤ 10,
we start by joining -4 and 10 on the number line with a thick line. Since -4 and 10 are both included in the interval (indicated by the square brackets [ and ]), you would plot a dark, filled small circle at -4 and 10 to indicate that the two values are included in the interval.

For extra leisure reading about intervals, there is an excellent article:

To describe the graph of the interval [-4, 10], we can visualize it as a number line with a closed square bracket on the left side indicating the inclusion of -4 and a closed square bracket on the right side indicating the inclusion of 10.

The number line would start at -4 and end at 10, with all the values in between (including -4 and 10) represented by the line segment connecting them. The line segment would be shaded or colored to indicate that it corresponds to the interval [-4, 10].

In terms of coordinates, the x-axis would represent the number line, and the interval [-4, 10] would be plotted between the points (-4, 0) and (10, 0) on the x-axis. The line segment connecting these points would indicate all the values within the interval.

Overall, the graph of the interval [-4, 10] would be a line segment extending from -4 to 10, with both endpoints inclusive.