what is an action verb.

the boy jump on the table.

linking verb

David is happy to see you

it's jumps or jumped

in that sentence

Shouldn't it be?

The boy jumped on the table.

What word shows action in that sentence? It tells what the boy did or is doing.

What word links the subject with the predicate in your second sentence?


is joins the subject David with the word happy


An action verb is a type of verb that expresses an action, activity, or movement performed by the subject of a sentence. It describes what the subject is doing. In the sentence "The boy jumps on the table," the action verb is "jumps" as it tells us what the boy is doing.

To identify an action verb in a sentence, one can follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence (the person or thing who is performing the action).
2. Look for a verb that directly relates to the subject and describes what the subject is doing.
3. Ask yourself if the verb represents an action or activity.

In the given sentence, the subject is "the boy," and the verb "jumps" directly relates to the boy and describes what he is doing. Therefore, "jumps" is the action verb.

On the other hand, a linking verb is a type of verb that connects the subject of a sentence with a word or phrase that describes or identifies the subject. It does not express action but rather a state of being or a condition. In the sentence "David is happy to see you," the linking verb is "is" because it connects the subject "David" with the adjective "happy," which describes his state.