How do you say Jasmine in spanish?

It would be spelled as Jazmine but it would be pronounced Hasmeen.

Jazmín is the spelling but Hazmeen IS the pronunciation.


To find out how to say "Jasmine" in Spanish, you can use a reliable online translator or consult a Spanish-English dictionary. Let me show you how to use an online translator:

1. Open a web browser and go to a reputable online translator website like Google Translate, DeepL, or WordReference.

2. Once you're on the translator website, locate the text input box or search bar where you can enter the word or phrase you want to translate.

3. Enter "Jasmine" into the text input box and make sure the translation is set from English to Spanish.

4. Click the "Translate" button or hit the enter key to get the translation. The result should appear in the output box as "Jazmín" which is the Spanish translation for the name "Jasmine".

Remember, using multiple sources to confirm translations is always a good idea, as different translators may sometimes provide slightly different variations of a word.