1.How are you today?

1.Ça va mal.J'ai mal aux jambes.

2.Tu es fatigué(e) aujourd'hui?
2.Oui, je suis fatiguée aujourd'hui.

3.Tu as souvent mal à la tête?
3.Oui, j'ai souvent mal à la tête.

4.Est-ce que tu as beaucoup de rhumes en hiver?
4.Non, j'ai souvent de rhumes en hiver.

5.Quand tu as de la fièvre, qui prend ta température?
5.Je prends ma température quand j'ai une fièvre.

6.Ton médecin, il/elle s'appelle comment?
6.Ma médecin s'appelle Dr.Wilson.

7.Quand tu es malade, est-ce que tu aimes regarder la télé?
7.Oui, j'aime regarder la télé quand je malade.

please make any corrections.

sorry, the first question is in English and not in French because for some reason I was unable to post it up,when I had wrote it in French.


4.Non, j'ai souvent de rhumes en hiver.
" Non, Je n' ai pas souvent ... " with " non " you have to use " ne(n') pas ".

5.Je prends ma température quand j'ai une fièvre.
I would say " Je prends ma température moi-même quand j' ai de la fièvre "
but you are right too ;)

.Ma médecin s'appelle Dr.Wilson.
" Mon médecin.. " , you always have to use " mon "

7.Oui, j'aime regarder la télé quand je malade.

" Quand je suis malade. "

I hope I helped you ;)

Thank you so much;-)

1. How are you today?

1. Ça va mal. J'ai mal aux jambes.
Explanation: Your response seems correct. You are expressing that you are not feeling well and that you have leg pain.

2. Are you tired today?
2. Oui, je suis fatiguée aujourd'hui.
Explanation: Your response seems correct. You are confirming that you are tired today.

3. Do you often have headaches?
3. Oui, j'ai souvent mal à la tête.
Explanation: Your response seems correct. You are confirming that you often have headaches.

4. Do you have a lot of colds in winter?
4. Non, j'ai souvent des rhumes en hiver.
Explanation: There is a small mistake in your response. Instead of saying "de rhumes," it should be "des rhumes." This means "I often have colds in winter."

5. When you have a fever, who takes your temperature?
5. Je prends ma température quand j'ai de la fièvre.
Explanation: There is a small mistake in your response. Instead of saying "une fièvre," it should be "de la fièvre." This means "I take my temperature when I have a fever."

6. What is the name of your doctor?
6. Mon médecin s'appelle Dr. Wilson.
Explanation: Your response seems correct. You are stating that your doctor's name is Dr. Wilson.

7. When you are sick, do you like to watch TV?
7. Oui, j'aime regarder la télé quand je suis malade.
Explanation: There is a small mistake in your response. Instead of saying "je malade," it should be "je suis malade." This means "Yes, I like to watch TV when I am sick."

Overall, your responses are mostly correct. Just a few minor corrections were needed.