1. evaluate |-14|=14?

2. add -3/5+8/35=13/35?

1. evaluate |-14|=14? ...... OK

2. add -3/5+8/35=13/35?...... check sign

check sign?

Sorry, I was too brief.

The sign was not correct. You may want to check what happened. (for #2 only).

1. To evaluate |-14|, you need to find the absolute value of -14. The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on the number line, ignoring its sign. In this case, since -14 is negative, its absolute value will be positive.

To find the absolute value of -14, you simply remove the negative sign, resulting in 14. Therefore, |-14| = 14.

2. To add -3/5 and 8/35, you need to find a common denominator for both fractions.

The smallest number that both 5 and 35 can both divide evenly is 35.

Now, let's convert both fractions to have a denominator of 35:

For the first fraction -3/5, we need to multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 7 (since 7 * 5 = 35):
(-3/5) * (7/7) = -21/35

For the second fraction 8/35, it is already in the desired form.

Now, we can add the fractions together:
-21/35 + 8/35 = (-21 + 8) / 35 = -13/35

Therefore, -3/5 + 8/35 = -13/35.