Summarize the "Loi de cadre" of June 23 1956?

there's nothing

You didn't look very far. I found this in one of the first sites that Sra posted.

Read the second page.

To summarize the "Loi de cadre" of June 23, 1956, it was a law enacted in France that aimed to establish a framework for the governance and administration of French territories in Africa. The law sought to grant some degree of political representation to Africans living in these territories while maintaining French control over them.

To obtain a detailed summary of the specific provisions and implications of the "Loi de cadre" of June 23, 1956, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for the official text of the law. The law is written in French, so if you do not speak the language, you can use online translation tools to translate it into your preferred language.
2. Read through the law carefully, paying attention to its sections, articles, and provisions. Look for key terms and phrases that indicate the main objectives and principles of the law.
3. Take note of the changes the law aimed to introduce, such as the creation of representative bodies or the process for transitioning to independence.
4. Look for any relevant historical context or background information related to the law. This can help you understand the motivations behind its enactment and the broader political climate at the time.
5. Once you have gathered this information, you can summarize the "Loi de cadre" by highlighting its main objectives, the rights and representation it granted to Africans, and the ways in which it maintained French control over the territories.

Remember, it is essential to consult multiple sources to ensure accuracy and obtain a comprehensive understanding of the law's content.