can someone explain what Subtraction property of equality is?

I don't understand it.

So, if a problem says to use the subtraction property of equality to solve an equation..

and an equation is w + 1 = 14
what am I supposed to do?

w = 14 - 1

The Subtraction Property of Equality is a fundamental concept in mathematics that states that if you subtract the same value from both sides of an equation, then the equation remains equal. In other words, if you have an equation such as "a = b," you can subtract the same number from both sides of the equation without changing its truth.

To understand this property better, let's consider an example equation, like "x + 5 = 12."

To use the Subtraction Property of Equality, you need to isolate the variable (in this case, x) on one side of the equation. To do this, you would need to get rid of the 5 on the left side of the equation.

By subtracting 5 from both sides of the equation, you are maintaining the equality:

x + 5 - 5 = 12 - 5

After simplifying the equation:

x = 7

Now, x is isolated on one side, and the equation states that x is equal to 7.

In summary, the Subtraction Property of Equality allows you to subtract the same value from both sides of an equation, preserving equality and helping you solve for the variable.