What is 7(y+3)+2y simplified? and if possible, can you break down how you got it?

Simplifying equations confuses me easily.


7y + 21 + 2y
9y + 21

The first thing you should do is try to remove the brackets. You can do this by using distributivity. In symbols, this means the following:

a*(b + c) = a*b + a*c

As you can see, the first term of the equation is 7*(y+3)
So, using distributivity, we find that
7*(y+3) = 7*y + 7*3 = 7y + 21
So, the equation can be simplified in the following manner:

7(y+3)+2y = 7y + 21 + 2y

Now, we have to terms with y. if we put them together, we get:

7y + 2y + 21

If we use the formula of distributivity in reverse, we find that:

7y + 2y = (7+2)*y = 9y

So, the equation can be further simplified in the following manner:

7y+2y+21 = 9y + 21

To simplify the expression 7(y + 3) + 2y, we need to apply the distributive property and then combine like terms.

1. Distributive Property:
To distribute 7 to both terms inside the parentheses (y + 3), we multiply 7 by each term separately:
7 * y = 7y
7 * 3 = 21

Now we have: 7y + 21 + 2y.

2. Combine like terms:
To simplify further, we group the terms with the same variable together and add or subtract them:
(7y + 2y) + 21
= 9y + 21

Therefore, the simplified expression is 9y + 21.
We obtained this by distributing 7 to both terms inside the parentheses and then combining like terms by adding the two y terms together.


multiply 7 with y and 3
collect like terms

Tasuba -- I think you've misread the problem. I don't see any minus signs in the original problem.