Could anyone help me write a four paragraph essay with a thesis statement, based on this question?:

Louis XIV declared his goal was 'one king, one law, one faith." Analyze the methods the king used to achieve this objective and discuss the extent to which he was successful.

If possible, please write background info on Louis in the first paragraph perhaps...

Of course, we'll be glad to HELP you write this essay.

Show us what you have so far and then we'll help you from there.

Well, I know he was an absolutist, I know he drove out the Hughuenots by the Edict of Fontainebleu, and I know he was an ardent mercantilist. I just need to write out his exact methods to achieve "One king, one law, one faith," and how successful he was at it.

You should be able to get a lot of the information you need from this article.

yeah... about that,

My history teacher doesn't want us to get info from wiki because he thinks it's "unreliable." besides i just need to show how successful he was and what made him successful at the any ideas?

Try this article.

Thank you very much! this is good! helping me greatly!!!

Great! :-)

You're very welcome.

Certainly! Writing a four-paragraph essay with a thesis statement can be done by following these steps:

1. Introduction:
Start your essay with an engaging opening statement or a brief historical context to introduce Louis XIV and his objective. Then, write a clear thesis statement that directly answers the question and indicates the approach you plan to take in analyzing the methods and success of Louis XIV in achieving his goal of "one king, one law, one faith."

2. Body paragraph 1:
In the first body paragraph, focus on Louis XIV's methods of achieving "one king." Discuss how he centralized power by asserting his authority over the nobility and regional parlements, as well as through the establishment of an absolute monarchy. Analyze his use of court rituals, patronage, and propaganda to solidify his position as the sole ruler.

3. Body paragraph 2:
The second body paragraph should address Louis XIV's methods in achieving "one law." Explore the implementation of judicial reforms, such as the codification of laws through the Napoleonic Code, and his efforts to ensure uniformity and centralization of the legal system. Discuss the role of the Intendants and their contribution to the administration of justice.

4. Body paragraph 3:
In the third body paragraph, discuss Louis XIV's methods in achieving "one faith." Analyze his initiatives to promote religious unity and undermine Protestantism, such as the revocation of the Edict of Nantes and the persecution of Huguenots. Examine the role of the Catholic Church in supporting Louis XIV's policies and the extent to which he successfully controlled religious affairs.

5. Conclusion:
Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points made in the body paragraphs and reiterating the degree of success Louis XIV achieved in his objective. Evaluate both the effectiveness of his methods and any limitations or failures he encountered. You may end the essay by discussing the long-term impact of Louis XIV's policies on the French monarchy and society.

Remember to support your arguments with evidence and provide analysis to ensure a well-rounded essay that demonstrates critical thinking. Proofread and revise your essay before submitting it to ensure clarity, coherence, and proper organization.

Good luck with your essay!