compare figure 3-1, a map of France's physical features, with figure 3-2, a map of France's agricultural products by district. Then comapre both figures with Figure 3-4, a map that shows the standard of living in various regions of France during the 17th century.

This is what I have wrote:

Figure 3-1 shows France's important physical features, it shows lowlands, hills and plateaus as well as mountains. Figure 3-2 shows France's agricultural products by district. They both show land features, rivers and they both have a scale. Figure 3-4 shows the living standards of provincial populations in 17th century of france. It shows us that which people are poor, which people are managing and which are well managing. This figure has a scale as well.

Is this all I need?

Oh and Ms. Sue I fixed the list of conditions, please have a look at it incase if its right or not, thanks

What crops were grown where the poor people live?

Were crops grown in the mountains? Which crops grew on hills?

Find reasons for why people were poor or certain crops were grown in specific places.

crops which were grown in the porrest regions of france were corn, wine and rye.

Yeah crops were grown in the mountains, and those crops were grapes.

people were poor because they didn't have education, so they couldn't afford much. Some poor people only owned small plots of land. Certain crops were grown in specific places because around the areas in northwest, especially paris Basin had fertile lands which grew lots of wheat and rye.

is this right?

People were poor because they were born into poor families. There was almost no way they could get out of poverty; they were pretty much forced to be in the same class as their parents.

The main point of the French Revolution was to reduce taxes on the poor and bring about a better life for them.

thanks alot:-)

Figure 3-1 shows France's important physical features, it shows lowlands, hills and plateaus as well as mountains. Figure 3-2 shows France's agricultural products by district. It shows which crops were grown in the poorest regions, and which were grown in the richest ones. It also shows us that grapes were the only products which grew in the mountains. They both show land features, rivers and they both have a scale. Figure 3-4 shows the living standards of provincial populations in 17th century of france. It shows us that which people are poor, which people are managing and which are well managing. People were poor because they were born into poor families. There was no way they could get out of poverty. They were pretty much forced to be int he same class as their parents. This figure has a scale as well.

I have added all that in this, please check to see if it's correct, thank you.

That looks good, but the maps don't show you that people were poor because they were born into poor families.

oh sorry, I'll fix that. Maps show the levels of wealth in the different regions of France. Living standards were highest on the flat plains and lower reaches of major northern rivers.

Figure 3-1 shows France's important physical features, it shows lowlands, hills and plateaus as well as mountains. Figure 3-2 shows France's agricultural products by district. It shows which crops were grown in the poorest regions, and which were grown in the richest ones. It also shows us that grapes were the only products which grew in the mountains. They both show land features, rivers and they both have a scale. Figure 3-4 shows the living standards of provincial populations in 17th century of france. It shows us the regions where poor people are, which people are managing and which are well managing. The map shows levels of wealth in the different regions of France. Living standards were highest on the flat plains at the lower reaches of major northern rivers. This figure has a scale as well.

Good job!

And Happy Thanksgiving, Sara.

Your response provides a basic overview of the three figures and their similarities, but it could benefit from more specific comparisons and analysis. Here's a revised version of your response:

Figure 3-1 represents a map of France's physical features, illustrating various land formations such as lowlands, hills, plateaus, and mountains. On the other hand, Figure 3-2 presents a map of France's agricultural products by district. It showcases the different crops and produce grown in specific regions of the country.

When comparing both figures, several similarities can be observed. Firstly, both maps contain common elements such as land features and rivers, indicating their geographic relevance. Additionally, both figures include a scale, allowing the viewer to estimate distances and understand the proportion of the areas being depicted.

Moving on to Figure 3-4, we encounter a map illustrating the standard of living in various regions of France during the 17th century. This figure provides insights into the economic and social conditions of different provinces at that time. It offers a visual representation of the disparities in wealth distribution, highlighting the areas with poor, moderate, and well-managed populations.

By analyzing these three figures collectively, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of France's geographic characteristics, agricultural productivity, and the socio-economic conditions of its provinces during the 17th century.

Remember, when comparing figures or any form of information, it's essential to provide specific details and offer meaningful insights to enhance the clarity and depth of your response.