when where and why was the ancient olympic games started?


The ancient Olympic Games were started in Ancient Greece, specifically in the city of Olympia, around the 8th century BCE. The Games were held to honor and worship the Greek god Zeus, and were a significant part of the religious and cultural traditions of that time.

To find more specific information on the ancient Olympic Games, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by searching for "ancient Olympic Games" on a reliable search engine like Google.
2. Look for credible sources such as reputable websites, academic journals, or history books.
3. Check out the information provided on websites like Encyclopedia Britannica, Ancient History Encyclopedia, or the International Olympic Committee's website.
4. Pay attention to the publication date and the credentials of the author or organization providing the information.
5. Read through the articles or chapters that provide historical context and information about the origin, location, and purpose of the ancient Olympic Games.
6. Take notes or highlight key details to help you remember and understand the information.

Remember to critically assess the information you find and cross-reference it with multiple reputable sources to ensure accuracy and avoid misinformation.