Can you tell me of any websites that I could practice my grammar skills?

Go to Grammar Blast; there are many different quizzes there. Practice in all grade levels to cover all the basics.
There's a great deal of help here, including Exercises (which are like quizzes).
Grammar Practice will help you here.
There are lots of quizzes of different kinds in here, especially in the Word & Sentence Level section. You can also click on Index and then on QUIZZES.

thank you very much

You're welcome!


Certainly! One website that can help you practice your grammar skills is Grammarly ( Grammarly is a popular online writing assistant that not only corrects your grammar mistakes but also provides detailed explanations and suggestions for improvement. It offers free and premium versions, so you can choose the option that suits you best.

To use Grammarly, you need to follow these steps:

1. Visit the Grammarly website ( using your preferred web browser.
2. Sign up for an account. You can create a new account or sign in with your Google, Facebook, or Apple account.
3. Once you're logged in, you can start using Grammarly immediately. You can either type directly in the Grammarly Editor or copy and paste your text into it.
4. Grammarly will automatically detect and highlight any grammar errors in your text. You can click on each highlighted error to see suggestions and explanations for improvement.
5. Grammarly also provides additional features such as spell-check, punctuation correction, and vocabulary enhancement.
6. As you practice using Grammarly regularly, it will help you improve your grammar skills and become more confident in your writing.

Apart from Grammarly, there are other websites available that offer grammar exercises and quizzes. Some of them include:
- English Grammar Online (
- Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) (
- Cambridge English (
- EnglishClub (

These websites offer various grammar lessons, exercises, and quizzes to help you practice and refine your grammar skills.