I need to make a holder for a raw egg out of straws so when it is dropped from 8 feet.

it will not break
I need design ideas.

To design a holder out of straws that will protect a raw egg from breaking when dropped from 8 feet, let's break down the problem into a few steps:

1. Material Selection: Since you've mentioned using straws, we will focus on making a structure out of straws. You may also need some additional materials like tape, rubber bands, or other lightweight materials for reinforcement.

2. Understanding the Forces: When the egg is dropped, it experiences two main forces: gravity pulling it downwards and the impact force when it hits the ground. To prevent the egg from breaking, we need to minimize the impact force it will experience.

3. Structural Design: Consider designing a protective structure that can absorb and distribute the energy generated upon impact. Some design ideas could include:

a. Cylinder Design: Stack and tape multiple straws vertically to form a sturdy cylinder, ensuring that the egg is placed in the center. The straws' length should be slightly longer than the height of the egg to provide a buffer zone for absorbing impacts.

b. Crumple Zones: Create additional layers of straws or tape around the top and bottom of the cylinder to act as crumple zones, absorbing and dispersing the energy of impact away from the egg.

c. Suspension System: Incorporate a suspension system by tying rubber bands at the top and bottom of the cylinder to act as shock absorbers. This can help reduce the sudden transfer of energy to the egg upon impact.

4. Testing and Iteration: Once you have designed your straw holder, test it by dropping it from a lower height, such as a table or chair, before attempting the 8-foot drop. Observe if the egg remains intact and refine your design if necessary.

Remember to be creative and innovative in your design while keeping the materials lightweight and the structure as compact as possible.