WHy is it better to use a wet mount preparation rather then a dry one?

are plant and animal cells prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

WHy do cells have different shapes and sizes?

here is the answer to your last question.

Cells have different sizes because of how their cytoskeletons are arranged (action, microtubules, microfilaments)that act as a framework for the organelles of the cell to rest on cells are different shapes for their specific functions, red blood cells are shaped like a doughnut to carry more hemoglobin, and to fit through small spaces, your epithelia of your gut have many small finger-like extensions to increase surface area to absorb the nutrients from digestion, and your neurons are long and skinny to span wide places to send signals around your body

here is the answer to your 2nd question

Plant and animal cells are Eukaryotic.They have nuclei,therefore they are eukaryotic. Prokaryotes lack nuclei.

Emma -- when you copy and paste, you should indicate the source of your information.

you can just post these on google, and you'll eventually come up with some searches, from which you can find your answers.

Usually, wikipedia works best, but if you have a texbook then it is even better.

No, Emma. That isn't enough. Plagiarism is not permitted on the Jiskha forum, and you've plagiarized by copying someone else's words and not giving them credit.

oh, I am very sorry, I promise this won't happen again, I am verry sorry Ms.Sue