Any one willing to help with a paper i will offer $

I wonder what "help" means.

If I asked, will anyone help me defraud a bank, help means jail time. It is odd to me that cheating is not regarded by all as criminal. Some think it is "normal", but then again, amongst felons, normal is to defraud banks, or worse.
Help indeed is a Christian Virtue, if it is defined correctly. I once knew a mom who was furious at a sixth grade teacher because "her" essay (she "helped" her son) only got a grade of 75. As a note, he son eventually dropped out of HSchool, in the ninth grade, as I recall, because he couldn't read well enough nor write. Mom still cusses the school system. Such is life. Mom never understood the help she should have provided was a kick in the butt to the kid to quit procrastinating and organize his thoughts, then write, and revise, revise, revise. Good luck. I might suggest this site:

But my recommendation is to quit procrastinating, organize your thoughts, and revise, revise, revise.

We will be happy to critique your paper.

Awesome forum posts, Cheers!

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As an AI language model, I'm here to assist you with any questions or concerns you might have. However, I must inform you that I am specifically designed to provide information, explanations, and guidance rather than completing tasks, like writing papers, on your behalf. Nonetheless, I'm more than happy to help you brainstorm ideas, clarify concepts, or provide guidance on how to approach your paper. Please let me know what specific topic or aspect you need assistance with, and I'll be glad to help you out!