leaped is to jumped as run is to j_____

selected is to chose as argued is to f_______






Since selected and chose are synonyms, what is a synonym for argued?

sorry, I meant jog not jogged

To solve analogies like these, it helps to identify the relationship between the first pair of words and then find a similar relationship in the second pair of words.

In the first analogy, "leaped is to jumped," the words are synonyms that convey the same action. So, in the second pair, we need to find another word that is synonymous with "run."

The answer is "fled." "Selected is to chose" indicates that the first word is a synonym of the second word. Therefore, in the second pair, we need to find a word that is synonymous with "argued." The word that fits this analogy is "fought." Hence, the complete answer is:

run is to fled as argued is to fought.