What is a good example of assonance and alliteration from the the runner iin exact quotes?

Presumably, you've just read this book and should be able to find these examples.

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Alliteration is the repetition of sounds at the beginnings of sequential words, and these sounds are almost always consonants.

In that poem (line 3), you'll read "rifles' rapid rattle" -- an instance of alliteration of the initial r-sounds, intended to imitate the harsh and fast sounds of bullets firing.

Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in a sequence of words. One of the best examples I've heard is the name of a dessert ~~> Jumpy Monkey Sundae! Even though the actual letters are u-o-u and y-ey-ae, the vowel sounds are the same. In fact, this example seems to be an instance of double assonance, if you will!

Now read through your book and see where you come across these types of sounds. You may need to read sections of it aloud.

riches rough run

To find an example of assonance and alliteration from the book "The Runner," you'll need to have access to the text. If you don't already have the book, you could try searching for the specific quotes online or in digital bookstores.

1. Assonance: Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds within words. Look for words that have similar vowel sounds. For example, in "The Runner," you might find a sentence like: "The sun had just begun to descend, sending golden beams over the horizon." Here, the repeated long "e" sound in "just," "begin," "descend," and "sending" demonstrates assonance.

2. Alliteration: Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. Look for words that start with the same consonant or sound. In "The Runner," you could find a sentence like: "Peter picked up pebbles, plucking them from the path." The repeating "p" sound in "picked," "pebbles," and "plucking" is an example of alliteration.

Remember, without having the actual text in front of you, these examples are just speculative. It is important to consult the original book to find accurate examples of assonance and alliteration from "The Runner".