Do you know of a web site that has the geographic locations of these biomes?

Temperate Deciduous Forest
Temperate Grasslands

Streams, Rivers & Estuaries
Lakes & Ponds
Coral Reefs

thanks for the help:)

why the hell is there a japanese add on jiskha wtf XD

Yes, I can certainly help you with that! One website that provides information about the geographic locations of various biomes is the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) website. They have a section called "Explore" where you can find detailed information about different biomes and their locations.

To access this information, follow these steps:

1. Open your web browser and go to the WWF website.
2. Once you are on the WWF homepage, navigate to the menu or search bar.
3. Look for the section called "Explore" or "Ecosystems" or any related term that refers to biomes or habitats.
4. Click on the appropriate link to access the information about the biomes.
5. On the biomes page, you may find a list of various biomes, similar to the ones you mentioned.
6. Click on the specific biome you are interested in, such as Tundra or Rainforest.
7. You will find information about the geographic locations of that biome, including maps and descriptions of where they can be found around the world.
8. Repeat the process for each biome you want to learn about.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the geographic locations of the biomes you mentioned on the WWF website. Remember, there might be other websites or resources you can use as well, so feel free to explore further if needed.