1. m<A = 72 degrees Find the supplement of <A? 108 degrees?

2. Approximate has a square root symbol and 31 by giving the two whole numbers that it lies between. 5 and 6?

Both correct!

what is the percent of increase of 88 to 99 round to the nearest tenth

1. To find the supplement of angle A, we need to know that the sum of an angle and its supplement is always 180 degrees. So, if m<A = 72 degrees, then the supplement of angle A can be found by subtracting its measure from 180 degrees. In this case, the supplement would be 180 - 72 = 108 degrees, as you mentioned.

2. To approximate the square root of 31 and determine the two whole numbers it lies between, you can use estimation. Start by finding the perfect squares that are closest to 31. The perfect squares below 31 are 25 (5²) and 36 (6²). Since the square root of 31 is closer to 5 than to 6, we can conclude that the square root of 31 lies between 5 and 6.