Which of the following bonding patterns DOES NOT happen?




All of these bonding patterns can happen.

Which of the following bonding patterns DOES NOT happen?




All of these bonding patterns can happen.

C-H-C does not happen.

To determine which of the bonding patterns does not happen, we need to analyze the chemical properties of each pattern.

1. C-H-C: This bonding pattern refers to carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen atoms with a carbon atom in between. This pattern commonly occurs in organic compounds, such as alkanes, where a carbon atom is bonded to four other atoms (usually hydrogen atoms) in a tetrahedral arrangement.

2. =C=: This bonding pattern represents a carbon-carbon double bond. This pattern occurs in organic compounds known as alkenes, where two carbon atoms are bonded by sharing two pairs of electrons. This double bond gives alkene molecules distinct reactivity and physical properties.

3. H-H: This bonding pattern refers to the dihydrogen molecule, where two hydrogen atoms share their outermost electrons to form a covalent bond. This is the simplest molecule composed of two hydrogen atoms, and it is very stable and commonly found in nature.

Based on our analysis, all three bonding patterns described can happen in different chemical contexts. Thus, there is no bonding pattern in the given options that does not occur.

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