name a number that rounds to 100 when you round to the nearest hundred and to 90 when you round to the nearest ten.

85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94

Ms.Sue answered the second part. 85-94 round to 90 as the nearest tenth.

50-149 will round to 100 as the nearest hundred.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

Estimate the sum 310 And 487


To find a number that rounds to 100 when rounded to the nearest hundred and to 90 when rounded to the nearest ten, we can start by writing down numbers that end with a zero. Let's see:

- 100 rounds to 100 when rounded to the nearest hundred and to 100 when rounded to the nearest ten.
- 110 rounds to 100 when rounded to the nearest hundred and to 110 when rounded to the nearest ten.
- 120 rounds to 100 when rounded to the nearest hundred and to 120 when rounded to the nearest ten.
- 130 rounds to 100 when rounded to the nearest hundred and to 130 when rounded to the nearest ten.

These numbers don't meet the requirement of rounding to 90 when rounded to the nearest ten. Let's try another approach.

Since we need a number that rounds to 90 when rounded to the nearest ten, we know that it should be in the range of 85 to 94 (inclusive) because these numbers round to 90 when rounded to the nearest ten.

Now, let's consider the numbers between 850 and 949 (inclusive) because these numbers, when rounded to the nearest hundred, round to 900. Let's see if any of these numbers meet the requirement.

- 850 rounds to 900 when rounded to the nearest hundred and to 850 when rounded to the nearest ten.
- 860 rounds to 900 when rounded to the nearest hundred and to 860 when rounded to the nearest ten.
- 870 rounds to 900 when rounded to the nearest hundred and to 870 when rounded to the nearest ten.
- 880 rounds to 900 when rounded to the nearest hundred and to 880 when rounded to the nearest ten.
- 890 rounds to 900 when rounded to the nearest hundred and to 890 when rounded to the nearest ten.
- 900 rounds to 900 when rounded to the nearest hundred and to 900 when rounded to the nearest ten.

Out of the numbers we've checked, we found that 890 rounds to 100 when rounded to the nearest hundred and to 90 when rounded to the nearest ten.