Create an image illustrating the concept of a 'retrograde role model.' Please ensure the image paints a visual metaphor of regressive influence. Perhaps you can capture this through the depiction of a once vibrant tree, now withering and losing its leaves, standing in contrast to a lush and thriving tree beside it to portray progressive influence. This image should not include any text.

What does it mean to be a retrograde role model?

To understand what it means to be a retrograde role model, we need to break down its two components: "retrograde" and "role model."

1. "Retrograde" refers to a movement or direction that is opposite to the expected or conventional one. It can be used metaphorically to describe someone or something that expresses old-fashioned or outdated beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors, often contrasting with modern progressive ideals.

2. A "role model" is a person who serves as an example or inspiration to others, especially in terms of their behavior, achievements, or physical characteristics.

Combining these two concepts, a "retrograde role model" refers to someone who, instead of embodying forward-thinking and progressive values, represents ideas or behaviors that are considered old-fashioned, regressive, or out of touch with the modern world.

For example, a retrograde role model might promote traditional gender roles, exhibit discriminatory behavior, resist social change, or endorse outdated ideologies. Their influence could hinder progress or the acceptance of newer, more inclusive views.

It is important to note that the term "retrograde role model" is typically used to describe negative influences, as it implies a regression from current societal standards or values.