Help me unscamble these spanish words.


HELP? It looks more like you would like us to DO the words! Where is your effort?

Here is one way to attack it.
List the letters, vowels first and then consonants: a a i b l r

Think of the vocabulary words in the lesson/unit you are now doing.


como se llama el padre de conchita

cuantos tiene

este no es el español tonto

comprobar su ortografía .. intentar


Sure! Here are the unscrambled words:

1. rbaali = **líbara** (meaning: generous)
To unscramble the word, you can try rearranging the letters until you form a Spanish word. In this case, the correct word is "líbara."

2. mtirpaa = **primata** (meaning: primate)
Again, you can rearrange the letters until they form a valid Spanish word. The correct word in this case is "primata."

3. proe = **pero** (meaning: but)
This word is already fairly simple to unscramble. "Pero" means "but" in Spanish.

4. rlaguer = **regular** (meaning: regular)
Rearrange the letters to find the word "regular," which means the same in Spanish.

5. biecrisr = **recibir** (meaning: to receive)
By unscrambling the letters, you can find the word "recibir," which means "to receive" in Spanish.

6. tacarn = **antrac** or **carant** (No exact match)
The unscrambled word could be either "antrac" (short for "antracita," meaning "anthracite") or "carant" (which is not a real Spanish word).

7. bleriter = **libreter** (No exact match)
The unscrambled word could be "libreter," which is not a common Spanish word.

Please note that words like "tacarn" and "bleriter" are not real Spanish words. It's possible that you made typos or there may be alternative spellings.