5simplify your answer. type an improper fraction.s+st3s/19

To simplify the expression `(s + st * 3s) / 19`, let's first simplify the numerator.

The numerator contains a common factor of `s` in the terms `s` and `st * 3s`:
s + st * 3s

To find the common factor, we can factor `s` out:
s(1 + st * 3)

Now we can simplify the numerator to:
s(1 + 3st)

Putting it all together, the simplified expression is:
(s(1 + 3st)) / 19

Please note that an improper fraction refers to a fraction where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator. However, in this case, the expression you provided doesn't result in an improper fraction. It is just a simplified expression.