With order of operations, how would I solve this equation?!


Since it has no parentheses and is all addition and subtraction, it makes no difference in which order you solve it.

I'd add the positive numbers and then start subtracting.

Ok thanks!!;)

To solve this equation using the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction), follow these steps:

1. First, deal with any expressions inside parentheses or brackets. In this equation, there are no parentheses or brackets, so move on to the next step.

2. Next, perform any exponentiation if there are any exponents in the equation. Again, there are no exponents in this equation, so proceed to the next step.

3. Moving forward, perform multiplication and division from left to right. Addition and subtraction will be handled in the last step. In this equation, there is no multiplication or division, so move on to the next step.

4. Lastly, perform addition and subtraction from left to right. The equation becomes:

12 - 18.5 + 15 + 6.3 - 1 + 28

Start by subtracting 18.5 from 12:
12 - 18.5 = -6.5

Next, add 15 to the result:
-6.5 + 15 = 8.5

Then, add 6.3 to the current result:
8.5 + 6.3 = 14.8

Subtract 1 from the current result:
14.8 - 1 = 13.8

Finally, add 28 to the current result:
13.8 + 28 = 41.8

Therefore, the solution to the equation 12 - 18.5 + 15 + 6.3 - 1 + 28 is 41.8.