A basketball player makes 50% of his shots taken, on a bad night his percentage drops by a factor of 1/2. If he took 12 shots, how many did he make?

Was it a bad night? If so, what is half of 50%? Change to a decimal and multiply that by 12.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To find out how many shots the basketball player made on a bad night, we need to determine the new shooting percentage after it drops by a factor of 1/2.

Step 1: Calculate the new shooting percentage
Since the shooting percentage on a bad night drops by a factor of 1/2, we can multiply the original shooting percentage (50%) by the factor (1/2) to get the new shooting percentage.
New shooting percentage = 50% x (1/2)

Step 2: Convert the percentage to a decimal
To perform the calculation, we need to convert 50% to a decimal. Divide 50% by 100 to get 0.5.

New shooting percentage = 0.5 x (1/2)

Step 3: Calculate the new shooting percentage
Multiply 0.5 by 1/2 to get the new shooting percentage.
New shooting percentage = 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25

Step 4: Determine the number of shots made
To find out how many shots the basketball player made, multiply the new shooting percentage by the total number of shots attempted (12).
Number of shots made = 0.25 x 12 = 3

Therefore, on a bad night, the basketball player made 3 shots out of 12 attempts.