hey guys

anyone have any ideas of how i can visually present a narrative, (a story)?
i need something unique and different
as i'm only allowed images in the narrative and no text

thanks so much

I'd use a storyboard -- probably 10 or more cells, depending on the length and complexity of the story.


How about a "mime", or puppets?

In case it isn't in Writeacher's post, a flannel board is easy to make and cut-outs stick there long enough to put the story together.


Certainly! If you're looking to visually present a narrative using only images and no text, there are several creative approaches you can take. Here are a few unique and different ideas to consider:

1. Sequential Panels: Create a series of images that depict key moments or scenes from your story, similar to a comic book or graphic novel. Be sure to arrange them in a logical sequence so that viewers can follow the narrative flow.

2. Collage: Use a collage technique to convey different aspects of your story. Cut out or digitally manipulate images from various sources to create a visually striking composition that represents different scenes or themes.

3. Visual Metaphors: Find symbolic or metaphorical images that represent different story elements. By carefully selecting and arranging these images, you can communicate the narrative without relying on text.

4. Storyboarding: Create a visual storyboard by sketching or using simple illustrations to outline the key moments of your story. This approach works well if you're presenting a chronological narrative or emphasizing visual progression.

5. Photographs or Illustrations: Use original or curated photographs or illustrations that directly represent the elements of your story. Make sure to select or create images that effectively convey the emotions and events you want to depict.

Remember, the key to a successful visual narrative is to ensure that the sequence and arrangement of the images effectively communicate the story without relying on text. Experiment with different approaches until you find a style that suits your narrative and resonates with your audience. Good luck with your project!