is there a culture where they swore and had a sense to not get addicted to somthing

Please clarify your question. What do you mean by "swore?"

There are different cultures around the world that have a sense of self-control and strive to avoid becoming addicted to certain things, including swearing. One example is the Japanese culture, where there is a strong emphasis on politeness and respect. Swearing in Japanese is generally considered impolite and disrespectful, and people are often discouraged from using offensive language.

To find more information about cultures that encourage self-control and discourage addiction, you can conduct research using various resources. Here are a few steps you can take:

1. Start by searching for information on cultures known for promoting self-discipline and balance. Look for countries or regions that have traditions, philosophies, or social norms focused on moderation and avoiding harmful behaviors.

2. Consult reputable sources such as books, scholarly articles, and reputable websites that specialize in cultural studies or specific countries. Look for information on cultural practices, values, and attitudes towards addictive behaviors and swearing.

3. Explore case studies or interviews with individuals from different cultures who share their experiences on self-control, addiction, and swearing. This can provide first-hand insights into specific cultural practices, beliefs, and approaches.

4. Additionally, consider reaching out to experts in anthropology or cultural studies who may have knowledge or expertise in this area. They can provide valuable insights and direct you to relevant resources or research studies.

Remember, it's crucial to approach cultural topics with respect and sensitivity, acknowledging that every culture is diverse and may have variations in their beliefs and practices.