The large fossa on the anterior aspect of the scapula is the

The large fossa on the anterior aspect of the scapula is called the subscapular fossa. It is a broad, shallow concavity located on the front side of the scapula, and it is the largest of the three fossae on the scapula, with the other two being the supraspinous fossa and the infraspinous fossa.

The subscapular fossa is an important anatomical landmark because it provides attachment for the subscapularis muscle, one of the four muscles that make up the rotator cuff in the shoulder. The subscapularis muscle helps to internally rotate and stabilize the shoulder joint.

To find the subscapular fossa on the scapula, you can follow these steps:

1. Locate the scapula: The scapula, or shoulder blade, is a flat, triangular-shaped bone located on the back side of the thorax (chest).

2. Identify the anterior aspect of the scapula: The anterior aspect of the scapula refers to the front side of the bone that faces the rib cage.

3. Look for a large, smooth concavity: The subscapular fossa is a noticeable depression on the anterior aspect of the scapula. It is smooth and relatively flat compared to the other surfaces of the scapula.

By following these directions and visually examining the scapula, you should be able to identify the subscapular fossa.