solve for the indicated variable:

a. temperature formula
solve for F: K=5/9(F-32)+273

b. annual interest rate
solve for R: A=P+Prt

im posting this the second time, but the first reply i got didn't help much :(

can you show me how to do at least one of these?? thanks

Suppose a box of marbles contains an equal number or red and yellow marbles but twice as many green marbles as red marbles. Draw one marble from the box and observe its color. Assign probabilities to the elements.

Of course! I apologize if the previous response didn't provide enough assistance. Let's go through the steps to solve for the indicated variables in both equations:

a. Temperature Formula - Solve for F:

The given equation is K = (5/9)(F - 32) + 273.

To solve for F, start by isolating the term that contains F.

1. Distribute (5/9) to both terms inside the parentheses:

K = (5/9)F - (5/9)(32) + 273.

2. Simplify the equation further:

K = (5/9)F - 160/9 + 273.

3. Combine the constant terms:

K = (5/9)F + 113/9.

4. To isolate the term with F, subtract 113/9 from both sides:

K - 113/9 = (5/9)F.

5. Finally, multiply both sides of the equation by 9/5 to solve for F:

F = (9/5)(K - 113/9).

b. Annual Interest Rate - Solve for R:

The given equation is A = P + Prt, where A represents the total amount, P is the principal, r is the interest rate per period, and t is the number of periods.

To solve for R, we need to rearrange the equation and isolate the term with R.

1. Start by subtracting P from both sides of the equation:

A - P = Prt.

2. Divide both sides by Pt:

(A - P)/(Pt) = R.

3. Simplify the right side of the equation:

R = (A - P)/(Pt).

So, the solution for R is (A - P)/(Pt).

I hope these step-by-step explanations help you solve the equations. If you have any further questions, please let me know!