How to name number 67,000 in two different ways

Sixty seven thousand, sixty seven times ten to the third power (67 * 10^3), six hundred seventy times ten squared (670 * 10^2)


name the number in two ways.

To name the number 67,000 in two different ways, you can use both the standard numerical form and the written form.

1. Standard numerical form: 67,000
In this form, the number is represented using digits and separated by commas to indicate the place value.

2. Written form:
a) Sixty-seven thousand
In this form, the number is written out using words, indicating the quantity of sixty-seven thousand.

b) 67K
This is an abbreviated form. The letter 'K' represents the prefix "kilo-", which denotes a multiplier of thousand. Therefore, '67K' is understood as 67 thousand.

By using these two different ways, you can name the number 67,000.