this is the same question I posted yesterday, it is due tommorow, oh and yes I have got how to do the other stuff which I was totally off base.

Without the English civil war, democracy would have never developed,'' no one would have been able to asert changes atall. No one would have been able to make their own decisions/rights, everything would have happened accordingly by king, and the king would have made decisions regarding his own life, he would only do things for his own benefit. With the occurance of this English war, people have the right to judge.

My teacher read this and she said it was good, but she wanted me to add a little more which I did.

If I am missing anything, or If it seems like I have run on sentences, then please do shorten them out, do whatever you can to make it better, thanks:-)

Good -- I'm glad you got straightened out on that chart. :-)

Yes, you have some run-on sentences.

. . . have never developed. No one would have . . .

. . . decisions/rights. Everything would have . . .

Do you see the last run-on sentence?

thanks, is there anything else I need to add to it, or do think its good?

It's good, Sara.

Title: The English Civil War and the Development of Democracy

The English Civil War played a crucial role in shaping the development of democracy. Without this significant event, the rights and freedoms we enjoy today may not have become a reality. In this essay, I will explore the key impact of the English Civil War on democracy and discuss why it was a pivotal moment in history.


1. Overthrowing Monarchical Authority:
The English Civil War provided an opportunity for individuals and groups to challenge the absolute power of the monarchy. By opposing the King's authority, people began to assert their right to have a say in matters that affected their lives. This marked a significant shift away from a society where everything was determined solely by the monarch's will.

2. The Emergence of Parliamentary Power:
During the English Civil War, the Parliament fought against the King's forces, highlighting the potential of a representative body to govern the nation. Ideas of collective decision-making and shared responsibility started to gain traction. This process laid the foundation for the establishment of parliamentary democracy.

3. Heightened Awareness of Individual Rights:
The English Civil War brought to the forefront the concept of individual rights. People realized that they had a right to participate in decision-making, express their opinions, and pursue their own interests. This newfound awareness led to demands for political participation, the protection of civil liberties, and the idea that rulers should be held accountable to the governed.

4. Seeds of Democratic Principles:
Through the chaos and political unrest of the civil war, democratic principles such as freedom of speech, equality before the law, and limitations on the power of the ruling authority began to take root. These principles became essential components for the establishment of a democratic society.

The English Civil War had a profound impact on the development of democracy. It shattered the notion of absolute monarchy and paved the way for the idea that power should be shared and decisions should be made collectively. By asserting their rights, individuals participated in shaping the future of political governance, ultimately leading to the democratic ideals we cherish today.

Note: While your initial essay captures the essence of the English Civil War's impact on democracy, you can improve it further by incorporating the points mentioned above. Make sure to address them in separate sections, organizing your essay logically and ensuring clarity in your points. Also, remember to proofread your work for any grammatical errors or run-on sentences. Best of luck with your assignment!