In how many of the arrangements would the two L's be together, for the word BASKETBALL?

The number of arrangements for n distinct lettes is

For example: 4!=24 distinct words can be made from the letters ABCD.

The number of arrangements for n letters, of which p are identical is
For example: 4!/2!=12 words can be made from the letters AABC.

The number of arrangements for n letters, of which p are identical and q are identical is
For example: 6!/(2!2!)=180 words can be made from the letters AABBCD.

If two letters have to be together all the timee, treat them as a single letter.

For the word BASKETBALL,
first arrange them in alphabetical order:
Out of the 10 letters, AA and BB are repetitions, LL can be treated as one single letter (to have a total of 11 letters).
So the number of distinct words possible is

To find the number of arrangements where the two L's are together in the word "BASKETBALL," we can treat the two L's as a single entity. This way, we have nine entities to arrange: B, A, S, K, E, T, B, A, L(L).

To solve this problem, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Count the total number of arrangements without any restrictions.
In this case, we have 9 entities to arrange. The total number of arrangements without any restrictions is given by the factorial of 9, which is denoted as 9!

9! = 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 362,880

Step 2: Count the number of arrangements where the two L's are treated as a single entity.
Now, we consider the two L's as one entity in the arrangement, giving us 8 entities: B, A, S, K, E, T, B, A(L,L).

The total number of arrangements with the two L's treated as a single entity is given by the factorial of 8, which is denoted as 8!

8! = 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 40,320

Step 3: Subtract the number of arrangements with the two L's treated as a single entity from the total number of arrangements without any restrictions.

362,880 - 40,320 = 322,560

Therefore, there are 322,560 arrangements of the word "BASKETBALL" where the two L's are together.