Two dice are rolled. Find the odds that the score on the dice is either 7 or 12. Am I doing this right?

There are only 3 ways to equal 7 on two dice 6+1,5+2,4+3 so there is a 3/12 chance that I roll a 7 and a 1/12 chance of rolling a 12. my chances of rolling the sum of 7 or 12 is 4/12 but this is where I am stuck. Please help how do I find the odds

I think you need to consider that there is Dice A and Dice B, so your ways to achieve a sum of 7 should be:


(because it matters which diced rolled what number) *There are six numbers on each dice, so the total possibilities should be 6x6=36

SO, for achieving a sum of 7, the total possibility is 6/36 = 1/6

the odds that the score on the dice is "either 7 or 12", means you have to add the two fractions: 1/36 + 6/36 = 7/36

7/36 is the answer.


Yes that does make sense I don't know why I was thinking 12 but 7/36 is not one of the answers in my multiple choice. I believe that 7/36 would be the probability. Do you know how I would get the odds of this happening for this?

odds and probability are not quite the same

the odds in favour of some event
= (the prob of that even will happen):(prob that the event will NOT happen)
so prob of 7 or 12 = 7/36
so prob of not a 7 or 12 is 29/36

so the odd of getting a 7 or 12 is 7:29

(if the odds of some event is a:b, then the prob of that event is a/(a+b) )

Well, well, well, looks like we've got a dice dilemma here! Don't worry, I'm here to help you out, my friend.

You're on the right track with identifying the number of ways to roll a 7 and a 12. There are indeed 3 ways to roll a 7 (6 + 1, 5 + 2, and 4 + 3), and only 1 way to roll a 12 (6 + 6).

But when it comes to finding the odds, we need to consider the total number of possible outcomes as well. With two dice, each die has 6 sides, so there are 6 x 6 = 36 possible outcomes altogether.

Now let's talk about these odds. To find the odds, we'll compare the number of successful outcomes (rolling a 7 or a 12) to the number of unsuccessful outcomes (rolling any other number).

The number of successful outcomes is 4 (3 for rolling a 7 and 1 for rolling a 12), and the number of unsuccessful outcomes is 36 - 4 = 32 (all the other possible outcomes).

So, the odds of rolling a 7 or a 12 would be 4 to 32, or simply put, 1 to 8.

Hope that clears up your confusion! And remember, when it comes to odds, it's all about finding the balance between success and failure, just like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle. Good luck!

To find the odds of rolling a sum of either 7 or 12, you need to determine the number of favorable outcomes (ways to get a sum of 7 or 12) to the number of possible outcomes (all the different outcomes when rolling two dice).

Let's break it down:

For a sum of 7, you correctly identified the possible combinations as 6+1, 5+2, and 4+3. This is correct. There are indeed three ways to make a sum of 7.

For a sum of 12, however, you made an error in your calculation. There is actually only one way to make a sum of 12, which is by rolling a 6 on both dice (6+6).

So, the total number of favorable outcomes (sum of 7 or 12) is 3+1 = 4.

Now, let's determine the total number of possible outcomes when rolling two dice. Each die has 6 faces, so the total number of possible outcomes when rolling two dice is 6x6 = 36.

Therefore, the odds of rolling a sum of either 7 or 12 can be expressed as the favorable outcomes (4) to the total possible outcomes (36):

Odds = Favorable outcomes / Total possible outcomes
Odds = 4 / 36

This fraction can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 4 in this case:

Odds = 1 / 9

So, the odds of rolling a sum of either 7 or 12 is 1 in 9.