estimate the difference of 5,602-2,344

Estimate 6,602 minuse 2,344.

Everyone has different estimates.

Estimate= Just a guess, not the real answer.
*Use a calculator for the full answer.*
I would say, 4,180. ;)

the answer is just a guessing 4,190

I will day 3000 if you are rounding to the nearest thousands

My mistake I say it is 3,000 if you are rounding to the nearest thousand

To estimate the difference between 5,602 and 2,344, you can round both numbers to the nearest hundred and subtract them.

Step 1: Round 5,602 to the nearest hundred. Since the digit in the tens place is 0, we don't need to round up. Therefore, 5,602 rounded to the nearest hundred is 5,600.

Step 2: Round 2,344 to the nearest hundred. Since the digit in the tens place, which is 4, is less than 5, we round down. Therefore, 2,344 rounded to the nearest hundred is 2,300.

Step 3: Subtract the rounded numbers. 5,600 - 2,300 = 3,300.

So, the estimated difference between 5,602 and 2,344 is 3,300.