What government system was more effective, during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, absolutism or democracy?

They can't really be compared because there were no real democracies before the late 18th century.

yeah, but some people wanted some. so

Determining the effectiveness of government systems, such as absolutism or democracy, during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries requires a comprehensive analysis of historical, political, and social factors. Let's break down the steps to reach an understanding of this question:

1. Define the Key Terms: Begin by defining absolutism and democracy to grasp their fundamental characteristics.
- Absolutism: A system of government where a single monarch or ruler holds complete and centralized power, often without checks and balances.
- Democracy: A system of government where power is vested in the people, either directly or through elected representatives.

2. Research Historical Context: Study the historical events and circumstances during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to assess the impact of absolutism and democracy.
- Investigate how different forms of absolutism (e.g., Louis XIV's reign in France or Peter the Great's rule in Russia) influenced governance and society.
- Explore notable democratic movements (e.g., the Glorious Revolution in England or the American Revolution) and their effects on political structures.

4. Analyze Effectiveness: Evaluate the impact of absolutism and democracy in terms of key indicators, such as social stability, economic development, individual rights, and overall governance effectiveness. Consider the following points:
- Absolutism: Assess the ability of absolutist governments to centralize power, maintain order, and implement policies swiftly. Examine potential drawbacks, such as the risk of abuse of power, lack of accountability, and stifling of individual freedoms.
- Democracy: Evaluate the level of participation, representation, and inclusivity afforded by democratic systems. Consider how democracy may foster social progress, enable checks and balances, and protect individual rights.

5. Consider Historical Perspectives: Understand that historical interpretations may vary, and different viewpoints can influence opinions on the effectiveness of government systems. Consider various historians' arguments, primary sources, and contrasting viewpoints to form a well-rounded understanding.

6. Formulate a Response: After conducting thorough research, weigh the evidence and construct an informed response to the initial question. Clearly state your position based on the evidence gathered, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of both absolutism and democracy during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Remember, this question entails a complex evaluation of historical systems, and your conclusion may differ based on the specific country or region under examination.