i know that I am wrong..


Rep____puritan type of lifestyle, no amusements anywhere, blue laws

Ab. Mon__lack of strength in parliament

Con. Mon made sure most supporters in parliament are on his side, bribery, persvasion, blackmail

i really am in need of help:-(

Please ask your teacher for help tomorrow.

You're way off base.

It looks like you have a list of terms related to different historical periods or systems of government. To help you understand them better, let's go through each term one by one:

1. Ruler: A ruler refers to a person who holds a position of authority and governs a territory or a group of people.

2. Rep____puritan type of lifestyle, no amusements anywhere, blue laws: This appears to be an incomplete term. However, it seems to be referring to a puritan way of life, which is characterized by strict religious beliefs and practices. Puritans typically avoided indulging in worldly pleasures and promoted moral and religious discipline. "Blue laws" are a set of strict moral codes that restrict certain activities, such as buying and selling certain items or engaging in entertainment on Sundays.

3. Ab. Mon__lack of strength in parliament: This term seems to refer to an absolute monarchy, where a single ruler holds complete power and authority without any checks or balances from other branches of government. The phrase "Ab. Mon" may be short for "Absolute Monarchy." In this system, the monarch typically has full control over governance decisions, laws, and policies, often resulting in a lack of strength or influence for parliamentary bodies.

4. Con. Mon made sure most supporters in parliament are on his side, bribery, persuasion, blackmail: This appears to describe a practice employed by a constitutional monarchy. In a constitutional monarchy, the monarch's powers are limited by a constitution or laws, and the government is run by elected representatives in parliament. The term suggests that the monarch ensures that the majority of parliament members support their policies by using tactics such as bribery, persuasion, or blackmail.

To further expand your knowledge on these topics, you can refer to history books, online resources, or consult with a history teacher or expert.